Fabrication Tutorials
Laser Cutters:
Refer to the posted tutorials located in the laser cutter rooms or at the industrial laser cutter
CNC Tangent Knife Cutter (Mimaki):
This tutorial will walk you through importing a DXF/DWG file into Illustrator and cutting a file using Illustrator. It also covers how to setup custom materials.
5 Axis Robot CNC Mill:
3 Axis Cutting using Powermill
This tutorial will walk you through preparing a 3D model for 3 Axis milling using the robot. It will also cover how to import a model into powermill, set tools, and proper feed and speed rates, as well as how to simulate a cutting job and setup the NC program to export to the robot.
5 axis Cutting using Powermill
This tutorial will pick up where the 3 Axis cutting tutorial left off. If will cover how to maximize the tool through various finish cuts and to optimize the tool paths.
This tutorial will show you how to use the optional rotary table in conjunction with the robot. This is the best method for million out extremely complicated objects.
Loading files into and Running the Robot
This tutorial covers how to home the robot, set a base point, and transfer file from Powermill to the robot.
Large and Small CNC Mill:
MadCAM Toolpath Generation - 3 Axis
This tutorial shows you how to generate tool paths inside Rhino for the large and medium CNC mills.
MadCAM Tool path generation - 2D Profiling
This tutorial shows you how to create profile and pocket cuts for 2d cutting of parts
This tutorial walks you through how to operate the large mill.
This tutorial covers how to home the mill and start cutting your model.
Water Jet Cutter:
Generating tool paths and using the machine
This tutorial will cover how to import a DXF/DWG into flow. How to generate the tool paths, and how to simulate the cutting.
This tutorial will show you how to restart the water jet from a particular point in the tool path.
Foam Cutter:
This tutorial will show you how to import a DXF/DWG into croma and setup a cut on the machine.
This tutorial will show you how to cut using the turntable on the machine